Chicago Public Schools, Horizon Science Academy Southwest move needle with productive visit

At the heart of our ongoing advocacy efforts, funding equity remains a critical issue. Recently, we had the opportunity to further this cause during a visit from Chicago Public Schools’ Chief Portfolio Officer, Dr. Alfonso Carmona, and Fiscal Manager, Ashley King, who took the time to tour Horizon Science Academy Southwest and Chicago Math and Science Academy. Their visit underscored a commitment to addressing the disparities that challenge the sustainability of our network of schools. 

During our discussions, Dr. Carmona reaffirmed that equity is a central pillar of CPS’s mission, promising a thorough review of the disparities in charter funding. His assurance to visit all schools up for renewal was particularly encouraging, as it indicates a commitment to fair and balanced decision-making. Dr. Carmona emphasized that renewal terms will consider both the progress of each school and the robustness of their action plans.

King also played a pivotal role during the visit. She expressed her intention to initiate a funding discussion group with charter leaders, a platform that will allow for more direct dialogue about these pressing issues. 

The meetings and school tours were not only productive but also filled us with optimism. The candid and constructive conversations we had are likely to pave the way for positive changes. We believe that with continued dialogue and focused advocacy, we can achieve greater equity in funding for our schools.
