Community Service

Instilling the importance of public service and social responsibility to CYSP scholars is an essential role of the program. To introduce the importance of helping their community  is a crucial part of the scholars’ early development. With awareness for public service and community work, our scholars will gradually learn the benefits of giving their time to create a better environment for everyone. The Voluntary Public Service areas may include the following:
  • Community Service
Community Service
Engaging in community service provides students with the opportunity to become active members of their community and has a lasting, positive impact on society at large.Community service or volunteerism enables students to acquire life skills and knowledge, as well as provide service to those who need it most.
Volunteerism enables students to acquire life skills and knowledge. While performing community service, children have the opportunity to see first-hand just how much their work can have an impact on the community. 
Community service hours can be earned at school or an outside organization.
This category is optional for all students. The point value allocated to this category is 8 points. The maximum Community Service entries allowed for each student are up to 30 times throughout the school year.  Each session must be 40 minutes to an hour in length.
Examples: **
  • Students can earn community service hours at school events
  • Help in various community relief events, (e. g., volunteering at a nursing home, fundraising for a natural disaster, food bank activity, helping at a homeless shelter, clean-up activities)
  • Volunteering at a non-profit organization.
  • A service-learning project in one of your classes.
  • A volunteer service project required for a class (i.e. Life Skills volunteer hours).
  • Community organizing including voter registration and political campaigns.
  • Service learning projects outside of class, including the training and preparation time (training must be directly related and cannot exceed 50% of the number of related service hours).
  • Time served with a faith based institution that does NOT include teaching or promoting one faith.
  • AmeriCorps
  • NCCC
  • Animal Care Shelter Work
  • Aquatics/Water Safety Instructor
  • Camp/Outdoor School Volunteer Civil Air Patrol Conservation Projects Crime Prevention Disabled Citizen Assistance Fire Dept. or Police Volunteer First Aid Instructor Health Service Hospital Volunteer Immigrant Services Interpreter Library Work Meals on Wheels Nursing Home/Aid to Elderly Park Volunteer Public Housing Services Red Cross Volunteer Safety Escort for Young Children Tutori ng within the Community United Way Volunteer VISTA Program YMCA Volunteer.
**  Please refer to the State and Concept High school guidelines. 
The entry to Log:
Scholars enter their community service and information in their Concept SIS student account under  “Community Service”.