Physical Fitness

Nurturing a healthy lifestyle is an important aspect of the CYSP program. Scholars will improve their quality of life through participation in fitness activities. CYSP will challenge scholars to set and achieve a measurable goal in physical activities. The Physical Fitness  areas may include the following:
  • Personal Physical Activities
Personal Physical Activities
Exercise is essential for improving overall health, maintaining fitness, and helping to prevent the development of potential health risks. It is vital that students learn to balance a lifestyle that includes some form of physical activity, rather than develop a sedentary lifestyle.
Engaging in sports activities regularly helps improve students’ focus on school work, as well as help them lead happier, healthier lives.
CYSP students are expected to complete the physical fitness requirements.  Students may complete physical fitness hours at home or with their CYSP groups.  
Physical education class and daily routines such as walking to school do not count towards CYSP physical fitness hours.
This category is mandatory for most students and optional for seniors. The point value allocated to this category are 3 points. The maximum Physical Fitness entries allowed for each student are up to 60 hours throughout the school year. This applies to all who participate in this activity. 
Advisors may inform students about healthy food and drink choices  to maintain their healthy lifestyles.
  • Exercising, biking, jogging, swimming, etc.
  • CYSP groups can do sports activities together such as playing soccer, basketball etc. in school or out of school.
  • Aerobics Badminton Baseball Basketball Bicycling Boxing Canoeing/Kayaking Dancing Equestrian Fencing Field Events Figure Skating Fitness Walking Football Golf Gymnastics Handball Hiking Hockey Martial Arts Personal Workout Pilates Racquetball Rafting/Rowing Rollerblading Rugby Running or Jogging Sailing SCUBA Diving Skateboarding Skiing Spinning Soccer Tennis Volleyball Weight training Wrestling Yoga
The entry to Log
Scholars enter their physical fitness information in their Concept SIS student account under  “Personal Physical Activities”.